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Multifunctional Printers: Why Canon imageCLASS MF247dw Wireless Is A Great Option?

Are you in the market for a new printer? Perhaps you’ve been offered to buy a multifunctional printer and you’ve given it a thought. But you are left wondering how it would be any different considering that you are only in the market for a printer. Would its other functions be of any help? Before you dismiss the idea altogether, here is what you need to know about a multifunctional printer and how getting a copier and a printer all in one is truly beneficial.

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What is a multifunctional printer?

A multifunctional printer, as its name suggests, is more than just a printer. It consolidates various functions like it is a copier, fax machine and even a scanner all in one. Whether it is for personal use or for the office, getting a multifunctional printer is best for those who are looking for utmost efficiency in the technology that they invest in. not only does it increase its assets, but it also reduces costs in the long run. Its high efficiency also improves the workflow that it allows people to do multiple functions at the same time using one machine.

The Canon imageCLASS MF247dw Wireless is a multifunctional printer that offers a variety of functions that proves helpful in running a business. When you invest in this machine, you are getting yourself four other functions for the price of one. If that does not spell out savings, then nothing else will. The efficiency in the workflow that it suggests will take effect in the overall office functions in the long run. You’ll be surprised at how much more time and money you can save by just buying one multifunctional printer.

How do you pick the right printer?

Before you make a purchase, it is best that you do a little research about the multifunctional printers available in the market. An informed decision of which ideal copier Pittsburgh machine is worth the investment will make choosing quite easy. Here are some facts you must look for when buying a multifunctional printer:

What do you require?

It is fairly easy to say that you need a functional printer and that’s it. However, you do know that you can be more specific than that. Will printing be enough? Or is a copier and printer in one be a good addition to the office? Can having a multifunctional printer that also serves as a fax machine help declutter the office to give way to more space? All these considerations need to be made before you make the purchase. 

After all, the additional functions should also meet your needs today and in the future. To help you define what you require, it is best to talk to your office staff. They can give you an idea or two about what else they need to become more efficient in the work that they do.

What is the cost of maintenance?

When you’re out looking for the right printer, one of the considerations you need to make is the cost of its maintenance. The cost of the ink or cartridge refill, the number of pages it could print and how much it would cost to have it repaired – these are all the factors that need to be considered before you make any purchase. 

The number of pages it can print makes all the difference in terms of efficiency while the cost of the ink or the cartridge makes a mark on how much savings you can get out of it. When the cost of both are too high, the printer you are looking at may not really serve its purpose considering efficiency and savings.

Multifunctional printers can undeniably make a difference in streamlining the processes in the office or at home. When you know what you are looking for, it is fairly easy to make the choice – the right on at that.